Over 10 million Mossberg 500/590 series shotguns and their Maverick 88/Revelation 310 half-brothers have been produced since 1960 and the reliable design is effective and easy to use. (Photo: Chris Eger/Guns.com)
Firearm giant Mossberg recently released a series of basic instructional videos on their Model 500 and 590 pump-action shotguns including loading and unloading.
In the first video, Jeremy Stafford walks you through the common gun part nomenclature associated with the Mossberg 500/590. Stafford is a pro, being a Marine Vet and editor for Guns & Ammo among other qualifications on a lengthy CV, so he knows what he is talking about. As a side, the Maverick 88 and Western Auto’s former Revelation 310-branded series of budget scatterguns use the same action and overall design.
Remember, you have to start with the basics.
Next up, Stafford covers how to safely load and unload a Mossberg 500/590. Spoiler alert: if you unload one by working the pump-action, you are doing it incorrectly.
As noted by Mossberg, “After over 50 years and over 10 million and counting–and the only pump action to be declared MilSpec–the Mossberg 500 has proven to be one of the most versatile and reliable shotgun platforms available, offering a model to fit every application, and every user from our households, to law agencies, to military worldwide.”
When it comes to using the 500/590 series, or any shotgun for that matter, recoil is real but can be used to your advantage.
As can the proper stance.
Finally, if you have a question as to what type of shotgun load to use for personal defense, Stafford checks in on that in the below video.
Remember, these are just some basic tips and tricks so be sure to read your shotgun’s owner’s manual– which are available for free online download— and seek more advanced training moving forward.
Stay safe out there!
The post Holding Class: Basics of Using Mossberg 500 & 590 Shotguns appeared first on Guns.com.
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