HOP Munitions 62-Grain Solid Copper REX vs. M855 Green Tip and Mk318

Whether you’re stacking coyotes and hogs, a law enforcement officer on duty, or defending what’s yours, performance isn’t negotiable. The M855 green tip and Mk318 have been the standard for decades, each with its own strengths. But let’s be honest—they’re not perfect. The M855 punches through barriers but lacks reliable stopping power. The Mk318 expands … Read more

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About the Author

My name is Travis Fletcher and I'm located in sunny Central Florida. Im a gun enthusiast that has been shooting for over 20 years. Over the years I have created multiple websites about the shooting industry. I always look forward to meeting people who enjoy shooting and hunting as much as I do. If you would like to know any more information about me feel free to send me an email.