
TAP: High Ammunition Prices Are the Result of a Conspiracy By Monopolists…Or Something

DESPITE ALL THE ISSUES with the small arms market, there are steps that can be taken to help. As in other industries, the Federal Trade Commission has been lax when it comes to enforcing antitrust regulations,…

Never Enough: California Anti-Hunting Groups Still Targeting Lead Ammo 2 Years After It Was Banned

By Larry Keane California banned the use of traditional ammunition statewide in 2019, but anti-hunting activists continue to blame traditional ammunition made with lead components for the deaths of the scavengers. Mike Stake, a wildlife…

Federal Premium Announces New High Over All Shotshell Line for Competitive Shooters

From Federal Ammunition . . . Federal Ammunition is proud to announce its new Federal Premium High Over All (HOA) shotshell product line. HOA offers competitive shooters the best plastic shotshell product on the market….

Amid a Historic Shortage, Joe Biden Hypocritically Blocks the Importation of All Russian Ammunition

You know that Wolf, TulAmmo, and Bernaul ammunition you have stashed in the back of your closet? Soon it will become a collectable of sorts, kind of like the old Norinco ChiCom ammo from twenty…