Sci-Fi and Space Gat 2: The AR-15-Based XCOM X-9
As I wrote in Sci-Fi and Space Gat 1, I feel like most folks are going to recognize Han Solo’s blaster, even if they don’t know it’s called a DL-44. I’ll admit, my next build…
As I wrote in Sci-Fi and Space Gat 1, I feel like most folks are going to recognize Han Solo’s blaster, even if they don’t know it’s called a DL-44. I’ll admit, my next build…
One of the greatest things about the AR platform is that you can build just about anything you can imagine. The number of companies making complete firearms, components and accessories is staggering. From basic carbines…
President Biden on Monday said those who argue they need assault weapons to fight the government need a much bigger arsenal to stand a chance. Speaking at the National Action Network’s annual Martin Luther King Jr….
The steady drumbeat of American politicians eager get involved in a hot war halfway around the world continues unabated. The latest is a New York politician who wants to collect rifles and shotguns for Ukrainian…
Travis Pike for TTAG The CMMG Banshee Mk17 is a brand new entry into the Banshee pistol caliber carbine series, and no, it doesn’t take GLOCK magazines. It takes SIG P320 magazines. The P320 has…