arbery video

McMichaels Ask Judge for Bail in Advance of Arbery Shooting Trial

This photo combo of images taken Thursday, May 7, 2020, and provided by the Glynn County Detention Center, in Georgia, show Gregory McMichael, left, and his son Travis McMichael. The two have been charged with…

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Cobb: Fear of Blacks Is Now Motive Enough for a Self-Defense Shooting

(Twitter via AP) The index of cases like [the Arbery shooting] seems to point to racial presumptions implicit in how we interpret the concept of self-defense. It is reminiscent of the “gay panic” defense of…

New Video Prompts Georgia Prosecutor to Submit Ahmaud Arbery Shooting to a Grand Jury

Courtesy LiveLeak By Russ Bynum, Associated Press A Georgia prosecutor said Tuesday that he wants a grand jury to decide if criminal charges are warranted in the death of a man shot after a pursuit…