Assault Weapon Ban

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Rhode Island Assault Weapons Bill Could Put Gun Stores Out Of Business

It should come as no surprise that Rhode Island gun control advocates have been pushing for an “assault weapon” ban for years, as the smallest state in the Union takes up the challenge from larger…

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Colorado Senate To Approve Firearm Restriction Bill With Exemption

For all intents and purposes, Colorado has rendered the Second Amendment a privilege, not a right, and that still upsets leftist politicians who wanted even more draconian restrictions placed on gun ownership in the state….

House Democrats Pledge to Ban Guns In Common Use by Law-Abiding Americans

House Democrats, led by Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), are forging ahead with a so-called assault weapons ban even though it’s not clear that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has the votes…

Narrative Fail: Poll Finds Public Support For An ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban At An All-Time Low

From the Second Amendment Foundation Amid the renewed clamor by anti-gunners for a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” the Second Amendment Foundation today pointed to a new Quinnipiac University poll showing public support for such…

No Matter What Gun Control Groups Say, Semi-Automatic Firearms are NOT ‘Assault Weapons’

What has incorrectly been termed an “assault weapon” is a semi-automatic firearm that fires just one bullet with each pull of the trigger (versus a fully automatic firearm — machine gun — which continues to…

Now is the Time to Make the Case: Remove SBRs from the NFA

As the Biden administration gears up to pass fresh guidance on pistol stabilizing braces, I humbly suggest that this is precisely the time to get working on legislation to remove SBRs — short barreled rifles…