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ATF Director Nominee: AR-15 Weapons of War Should be Regulated Like Machine Guns

David Chipman, a retired Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agent, on Monday said AR-15 rifles should be regulated like machine guns.  “What I support is treating them just like machine guns,” Chipman,…

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Is the Tommybuilt T36 a Machinegun or Just Another ATF Regulatory Disaster? [VIDEO]

This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  The Tommybuilt T36: Machinegun or ATF mess? We’ve seen a lot…

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How to Buy a Silencer: 10 Easy Steps

A lot of shooters still don’t realize that they can own silencers legally, or if they do know that, they’re intimidated about the process. And it’s true, making your initial silencer purchase can be a…

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National Firearms Act For Beginners: Using Form 1 to Manufacture an NFA Item

When an individual or a trust/corporation (read about the Silencer Shop Single Shot Trust HERE) purchases an existing NFA-regulated “firearm” (silencer, short-barreled rifle, short-barreled shotgun, “any other weapon,” destructive device, or machine gun), the application…