
Migrant Arrests For Multi-State Gun And Drug Running Operations 

Immigration officials have had their work cut out for them, aggressively pursuing and deporting violent illegal immigrants since President Donald Trump’s inauguration. They have not been alone, however, as it has been an all-hands-on-deck effort…

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Armed Rideshare Drivers May Be An Option Soon For Texans

As the cost of personal vehicle ownership continues to rise and people worldwide celebrate the convenience of rideshare services like Uber and Lyft, a small company based out of Atlanta, Georgia, plans to open shop…

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Atlanta Chick-fil-A Customer Opens Fire On an Armed Robber, Others Hold Him for Police

Chick-fil-A restaurants have a well-earned reputation for courtesy and cheerful employees. And their loyal customer base reciprocates, coming back time and again for the good food and great service. So when Willie Gloston IV decided…

Former City of Atlanta CFO Indicted For Illegal Machine Gun Possession

To many people the administration of former Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed epitomized corruption. Second Amendment rights advocates noted the Reed administration’s dislike of firearms, and saw his membership in Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns…