banks choke point

Kansas FIND Act Financial Anti-Discrimination Bill to Be Heard in a Key Senate Committee

[ED: Texas enacted the FIND Act in 2021 in response to big banks’ anti-gun policies. Money center banks like Bank of America, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase and others had put lending and underwriting policies in…

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When Big Banks Dump Firearms Industry Customers, Smaller Banks Are Ready to Step In

By Larry Keane Big corporations with “woke” policies are waking up to the fact that smaller businesses are glad to take the business they shun. American Banker reported that corporate banks are quaking in their boots over…

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ND Sen. Cramer: Banks That Discriminate Against Gun Makers Should Lose FDIC Insurance

What [the Fair Access to Banking Act] would do is it would prohibit banks from creating categorical exclusions, industries, entire industries; the firearms industry, fossil fuel, carbon industries, private prisons. Industries that the banks —…

Biden Administration Takes First Step to Reinstating Operation Choke Point Banking Restrictions

President Joe Biden (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) One of the last things the Trump administration did before leaving town was to have the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency adopt a new rule preventing discrimination…