biden gun control

Congress to Biden: It’s the Crime, Stupid

Frustration with President Joe Biden’s “stuck-on-repeat” gun control focus that lets criminals run rampant is boiling over in Congress. Republican leaders in both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives are telling The White…

After Brooklyn Subway Shooting, Rasmussen Finds Americans Aren’t Buying Biden’s Focus on Gun Control to Stop Violent Crime

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today a new Rasmussen survey reinforces what they have been saying for years: More gun control laws…

ATF Based Its Crackdown on ‘Ghost Guns’ on Data It Knew Was Faulty

By Lee Williams Joe Biden repeated some of his most discredited lies about the Second Amendment Monday during a press conference held in the Rose Garden – deer in Kevlar vests, fictitious prohibitions on the…

Joe Biden Just Can’t Stop Lying About Firearms, the Second Amendment, and Gun Control Laws

From the CCRKBA . . . Once again during his remarks about the newest attempt to restrict gun rights, President Joe Biden repeated his already-discredited claim that the Second Amendment historically prevented certain people from…

Biden to Nominate Dettelbach to Head ATF, Announce New ‘Ghost Gun’ Rule From the White House Along With Dozens of Gun Control Advocates

By Michael Balsamo, AP President Joe Biden is nominating an Obama-era U.S. attorney to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, as his administration unveils its formal rule to rein in ghost guns,…

Time to Face Reality in California: It’s the Crime, Not the Guns

By Joe Bartozzi The senseless homicides of six in Sacramento are tragic. It is a shocking and sober reminder that criminals have no respect for the law or for human life. That’s why it’s appalling…