biden gun control

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The BidenHarris Whitehouse Floats Using Executive Action ‘Leverage’ After Atlanta, Boulder Shootings

After two high profile mass shootings in a week, the BidenHarris White House is under intense pressure from their backers in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex as well as their cheerleaders in the media to…

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The Latest ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Bill is as Inane and Ineffective as All the Others

Crimes committed with rifle-mounted grenade launchers are about as common in the United States as crimes committed with rifle-mounted bayonets. Even if someone decided to attach a grenade launcher to his rifle, he would have…

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If Biden’s Really in Charge, Why Does He Need a ‘Gun Control Czar’?

By Larry Keane Congress is lining up behind billionaire-backed gun control groups demanding that President Joe Biden appoint a gun control czar to dictate to America just who, when, how and how much gun rights…

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Scientific American: Biden Should Use Covid Relief Money to Fund Local Gun Control

The vast majority of Americans, gun owners included, support taking action to address gun violence, and similar to President Biden’s rescue plan—which also has high levels of bipartisan support—the Biden administration should not allow partisanship to stand in…

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Biden and Congress Promise to Enact More Gun Control as States Move to Nullify Enforcement

By Lindsay Whitehurst, AP With Democrats controlling the presidency and Congress, Republican state lawmakers concerned about the possibility of new federal gun control laws aren’t waiting to react. Legislation in at least a dozen states…

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As Washington Gears Up for Gun Control, States Act to Protect Second Amendment Rights

By Larry Keane Gun control allies were drooling at the prospects of sweeping victories last November to enact strict antigun laws at the federal, state and local levels. American voters had other ideas in mind….

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‘Grassroots’ Anti-Gun Groups’ Solutions Include Executive Orders and Lots of Government Cash

Biden has a lengthy history of dealing with gun legislation, though his most recent effort ended in notable failure. After Newtown, Conn., Obama asked him to push through what he had hoped would be the…

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Joe Biden’s One-Two Punch Plan to Take Down the Firearms Industry

By Larry Keane President Joe Biden is throwing out a few feeler jabs in his gun control fight. He’s talked of bans and repealing laws, which are certainly worthy of throwing up a guard to…