biden gun violence

Joe Biden and Democrats Won’t Stop Until They’ve Banned Your Guns

Despite the gun control law he just signed and the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, President Joe Biden told the nation we wants more still gun control. He wants to ban guns. President Biden demanded Congress reinstate…

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After Brooklyn Subway Shooting, Rasmussen Finds Americans Aren’t Buying Biden’s Focus on Gun Control to Stop Violent Crime

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today a new Rasmussen survey reinforces what they have been saying for years: More gun control laws…

ABC/Ipsos Poll: Americans Think Biden an Failure at Addressing Crime and ‘Gun Violence’

From the CCRKBA A newly released ABC News/Ipsos poll confirms what most of America’s gun owners already knew; that Joe Biden is a failure at addressing crime and especially gun-related violence, the Citizens Committee for…

This is How Biden Would Spend Your Tax Dollars to Fight the ‘Gun Violence Public Health Crisis’

By Lee Williams For gun owners, Joe Biden’s FY2022 discretionary budget plan is an assault on our individual freedoms and civil liberties, an assault that could cost us both billions of taxpayer dollars as well…

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MEDIA ALERT: The New York Times Fears Biden Is Missing His Chance on Gun Control

We hate to ruin your weekend with news of fecklessness (and probably too many naps) at the White House, but America’s newspaper of record is deeply concerned about what’s happening there. Or, more accurately, what’s…

Biden: ‘Gun Violence’ is a National Health Crisis that Warrants an Emergency Response

President-elect Joe Biden (Kevin Lamarque/Pool via AP)   By Larry Keane President-elect Joe Biden didn’t take long in declaring a national health crisis to usher in emergency health epidemic gun control measures. With more than…