biden high capacity magazine ban

No Letting Up: The Biden Administration Presses On With His War Against Gun Makers and Owners

From the CCRKBA . . . President Joe Biden appears more determined than ever to make gun manufacturers vulnerable to frivolous lawsuits in the hopes of bankrupting the firearms industry, the Citizens Committee for the…

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Menendez’s ‘Keep America Safe Act’ Would Ban Standard Capacity Magazines

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Yesterday, Senate Democrats introduced yet another unconstitutional and outrageous bill attacking the right to keep and bear arms and personal property rights, this one aimed at banning…

Biden’s Gun Control Agenda Won’t Collect the Billions He Thinks Because Americans Will Not Comply

Dan Z. for TTAG As we’ve written here countless times in the run-up to the election, Slow Joe’s Everytown/Giffords-produced gun control platform was the most radical anti-gun rights agenda in the history of American politics….

Large Capacity Self-Defense: Alabama Man Shoots One of Four Home Invaders

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File) California Governor Gavin Newsom — who wasn’t pleased by the Ninth Circuit’s recent decision — has called so-called large capacity magazines “weapons of war.” Both doddering Joe Biden and his prospective…