big bank gun industry discrimination

CEO of Union-Owned Amalgamated Bank Touts Her Plans for Backdoor Gun Purchase Tracking at NY Times Conference

A New York Times conference featured a bank CEO pushing the financial industry to track Americans making purchases at retailers and monitor their “suspicious activity” under the guise of “reducing gun violence.” Amalgamated Bank CEO…

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Big Banks Happy to Keep Bankrolling Russia While Denying Services to Firearms Industry Businesses

By Larry Keane Big banks are showing they love two things: Communist cash and discriminating against Constitutionally-protected industries. Multinational corporate banks including JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup told the Biden administration to back off sanctioning…

Kansas FIND Act Financial Anti-Discrimination Bill to Be Heard in a Key Senate Committee

[ED: Texas enacted the FIND Act in 2021 in response to big banks’ anti-gun policies. Money center banks like Bank of America, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase and others had put lending and underwriting policies in…