big sandy

Independence Day for a Newly-American Canadian

Ben Philippi photographed with the American Flag and his trusty Mossberg 500 12-gauge shotgun. (Photo: Ben Philippi/ A Canadian by birth, this year’s Independence Day is different for me. I was recently granted a green…

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Big Guns Going BOOM!!

As a producer for, I’ve got the pleasure of photographing and filming many large-caliber guns over the years at gun shoots and shows. Witnessing the explosive power of military hardware up close and in…

Six Months Ago, ABC News Mistook Knob Creek for Syria

Six months ago, ABC News used footage from the Knob Creek night shoot to depict combat footage in Syria. On October 13, 2019, ABC News aired footage on ‘World News Tonight’ supposedly showing a Turkish…

The Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot Is Still Happening

“This range is hot!” The firing line erupting into gunfire during the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot. (Photo: Ben Philippi / The Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot in West Point, Kentucky is the biggest…