Bruen gun control laws

The Civilian Disarmament Industry’s ‘Innovative’ Gun Control Schemes Aren’t Compatible With the Second Amendment

Gun control advocates are ceaseless innovators in the realm of limiting freedom. They continuously devise new and bizarre policies to undermine the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. The U.S. Supreme Court decision in New York…

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It Can Be Hard to Keep Up With the Pace of Gun Control Laws Falling Thanks to Bruen

A New York gun control law that prohibits firearms in Times Square, Yankee Stadium, the subway and other sensitive places is on shaky legal ground after a judge found these provisions violate the Second Amendment,…

Oh No! The Bruen Ruling Puts Gun Rights Defenders at a Greater Advantage in Court Cases

The Bruen ruling, when laying out the historical prong of the test, said it was up to the government that was defending a gun law to prove the restriction had a parallel in the past….

NFGR Sues Colorado Challenging the 2013 ‘High Capacity’ Magazine Ban’s Constitutionality

From the National Foundation for Gun Rights . . . Today, the National Foundation for Gun Rights, along with citizens Benjamin Gates and Travis Swartz, filed a lawsuit against Governor Jared Polis and the State…