california high capacity

California’s ‘High Capacity’ Magazine Possession Ban On Hold Pending Supreme Court Appeal

Last month, an en banc ruling by the Ninth District Court of Appeals upheld California’s ban on so-called high capacity magazines…basically any magazine that will hold more than ten rounds of ammunition. The ruling outlaws…

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Ninth Circuit Hears Arguments in Duncan v. Bonta California ‘High Capcity’ Magazine Ban Case

By Chuck Michel Yesterday an 11-judge panel, sitting en banc, heard oral arguments in Duncan v. Bonta (formerly Duncan v. Becerra). The California Rifle & Pistol Association lawsuit, which challenges California’s flat ban on magazines capable of holding…

California Will Argue to Reinstate Its Ban on ‘High Capacity’ Magazines Before the 9th Circuit Today

Kris Brown, president of the gun-control nonprofit Brady, said the U.S. Supreme Court is unlikely to back Benitez’s rulings if either case reaches the high court. “I cannot imagine the court rubber-stamping those opinions —…

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FPC to 9th Circuit: California’s Magazine Ban Violates History and Scope of the 2nd Amendment

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Yesterday, the Firearms Policy Coalition announced the filing of an important brief with the en banc Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Duncan v. Becerra, a case…