University Policies Keep Students on ‘Gun-Free’ Campuses Safe
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Continue reading University Policies Keep Students on ‘Gun-Free’ Campuses Safe at The Truth About Guns. Powered by WPeMatico
There’s a big rock on the Michigan State University campus on Farm Lane that serves as a totem pole of sorts for the MSU community. Following the massacre of three MSU students by a lunatic…
Dueling decorations to the “Rock” at MSU. True story. — Rick Ector – LFPC QMSA CSSGBP CLSSGB- NRA TC/CRSO (@detroitccw) February 15, 2023 And a bonus . . . Want to know why that…
Our children are priceless. There’s literally nothing most parents won’t do to ensure their health and safety. Mitigating risks to your kids and grandkids should be high on your priority list. This includes the time…
The vast majority of states and colleges prohibit guns from being carried on campus either by law or choice. However, in recent years the gun lobby has pushed legislation to force guns onto college campuses…
Ten years ago, the deadly Connecticut massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School wherein a gunman killed 26 people, including 20 children, proved the need to secure U.S. K-12 institutions. Around noon on Tuesday, a similar…
March 8 is celebrated as International Women’s Day, and lawmakers all over the country will be championing it today on their social media accounts and other outlets. Well, here’s some hard truth: any lawmaker who…
Is there anything more you really need to know besides that quote above from Kansas’s GOP Governor Laura Kelly? That exact phrase has been the preamble to so much double-dealing, duplicity and outright betrayal by…
Psychology professor L. Rowell Huesmann, who studies aggressive behavior and media violence, said Wade is unlikely to win his case due to the precedent set by D.C. v. Heller. He added that the University and…
Courtesy Luis Valdes The gun control advocacy operation Ban Assault Weapons NOW! (BAWN) is alarmed. They’ve let their fans know in their latest email blast that “lawmakers in the Florida House just filed a dangerous…