canada assault-style weapons

Nice Canadian Gun Owners Raising a Middle Finger at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Assault Weapons Ban

Not one to let a potentially politically beneficial crisis go un-exploited, Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau rammed through a ban on “assault-style weapons” and other scary-looking guns in 2020 after a 12-hour spree shooting that…

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Canadian Gun Grabbers Yuck it Up Over Prime Minister Zoolander’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Megan Mackay (Courtesy YouTube) This apparently is what passes for hoplophobic humor north of the border. This blanket policy is disrespectful to responsible gun owners like myself. As a gun enthusiast, I know the name,…

Canada Prime Minister Trudeau’s ‘Assault-Style’ Gun Ban Outlaws Many Shotguns, Bolt Action Rifles

Dan Z. for TTAG By Larry Keane Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is either devilishly stupid, or devilishly underhanded. With Canada’s Boy Wonder, sometimes the differences are difficult to discern. The Canadian head-of-state’s unilateral gun grab that bans 1,500…

Oh Canada, Your Prime Minister Is Coming For Your Guns

Bigstock By Larry Keane A line in the Canadian national anthem says, “God keep our land glorious and free!” Well today, Canada is less free. It would seem unthinkable in the United States, but our…