chris murphy gun control

Sen. Chris Murphy Using the Defense Authorization Bill to Attack Service Members’ Individual Gun Rights

By Mark Oliva It takes a certain amount of brazenness to put the responsibility of defending the nation on a young American and then, in the next breath, demand they forfeit those freedoms they are…

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Chris Murphy Predicts a ‘Popular Revolt’ if the Supreme Court Nixes Gun Control Laws

  There could be a “popular revolt,” if the Supreme Court blocks some kinds of gun control legislation, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said Sunday. “If the Supreme Court eventually says that states or the Congress…

Sen. Chris Murphy: Why Aren’t We Talking About Confiscation as a Way to ‘Deal With’ Ubiquitous Gun Ownership?

There is no way to address the homicide, suicide and mass shooting epidemic in this nation without dealing with this massive explosion of guns in the United States. — Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) March 7,…

Senator Chris Murphy Whistles Past the Bruen Graveyard, Predicts ‘Victory After Victory’ for Gun Control

  Senator Chris Murphy believes that the tide is finally turning in favor of the gun safety movement in America. Even as Murphy acknowledges that more work is needed to address gun violence, the prominent Connecticut…

Cornyn Proves Senate Republicans Didn’t Negotiate, They’re Giving Our Rights Away For Nothing

Following the weekend announcement of a compromise framework for a gun control deal in the Senate, Texas Senator John Cornyn apparently felt the need to address angry constituents who aren’t nearly as enthusiastic as he…

Murphy: Florida’s Post-Parkland Bill is the Model for a Senate Gun Control Compromise

Murphy added: “The possibility of success is better than ever before. But I think the consequences of failure for our entire democracy are more significant than ever.”  Florida, a Republican-controlled state, acted swiftly after the…

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The American Gun Owner is the Only Thing Stopping More Gun Control Laws

By Larry Keane Democrats have just one obstacle when it comes to achieving their vaunted gun control utopia. It’s you – the completely irrational, rights-demanding, unreasonable and uncompromising American. You “selfish” gun owners. You are…