Concealed Carry

Armed American Chronicles: Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are Shooting Back in Chicagoland

Aspiring holdup artists in Chicago, by and large, have operated with impunity. Out of 65 hold-ups recorded in less than a week, cops have made no arrests save for an unlucky crew that ran into…

Ruger Announces the New Security-380 Lite Rack Pistol With 15+1 Extended Magazine

From Ruger . . . Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR) is proud to introduce the newest addition to its Lite Rack family of pistols, the Ruger Security-380. Chambered in .380 Auto, the Security-380…

This is Why You Really Should Rotate Your Carry Gun Ammunition Regularly

Many folks — cops included — load up their self-defense sidearm, and then those tools silently serve and protect their owners from bad people with evil in their hearts. Unfortunately, most of us don’t think…

The Gun Ban Industry Works Daily to Keep Women Vulnerable to Domestic Violence

By Lee Williams The worst domestic violence I have ever seen involved a woman whose husband was out on bond for blinding their son with a baseball bat. He had struck the child so viciously…

Self-Defense Chronicles: Restaurant Robber Experiences Georgia Constitutional Carry the Hard Way

As of this past April, good guys don’t need a license to carry a gun in Georgia. A 23-year-old aspiring criminal learned that the hard way when he pistol whipped an employee of a fast…

Killadelphia: Gas Station Owner Hires Heavily Armed Security to Protect Customers

Welcome to Philadelphia, land of gas station robberies and carjackings, to say nothing of organized retail theft. In short, Philly has devolved into a cesspool of violent crime to the pont that one gas station…

Armed Citizen Chronicles: Veteran Holds Fleeing Felon Until Cops Arrive at Georgia Food Bank

In most of the country, you can’t turn a corner without running into a good guy, gun-toting American. After all, roughly 16 million Americans carry a gun (or two) everyday. In College Park, Georgia, an…

Gear Review: Safariland Schema IWB Holster

When the new Safariland Schema holster arrived at TTAG HQ it definitely caught our eye. Skeletonized and minimalist, it was unlike other holsters. Luckily, the sample that had arrived for testing was designed for a…

Like Good Neighbors, Armed Citizens Are There: Michigan Home Invasion Stopped By a Pair of Armed Neighbors

Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts claims that defensive gun uses don’t happen.  They’re just an urban myth.  A fantasy perpetrated by crazed gun nuts. Then again, “gaslighting” is the 2022 word of the year. Bright…