Concealed Carry

Prominent Senate Democrat Threatens to Defund Second Amendment Sanctuary Jurisdictions While Ignoring Illegal Alien Sanctuaries

Call it the newest “defund the police” movement. Much like the White House is now “keeping an eye” on the outbreak of free speech on Twitter, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy — one of the loudest…

More People Carrying Guns: Study Shows 16 Million Carry a Firearm; More in Shall-Issue States than Constitutional Carry States

The American Public Health Association released the results of a study that had a couple of fairly surprising revelations. First, the number of Americans carrying a firearm regularly for personal defense has almost doubled to…

What If Women Had the Same Rights As Guns? [VIDEO]

America’s newspaper of record (TM) the Babylon Bee has committed another act of blatant drive-by journalism. They’ve released a new video showing what the world would be like if women had the same rights as…

Armed Good Samaritan Stops Child Abduction Outside Georgia Walmart

My wife worries a lot about someone grabbing one of our twin boys while she’s strapping the other one into his car seat. A similar scenario just happened in a Walmart parking lot in Warner…

GOA Deals New York’s ‘Concealed Carry Improvement Act’ Post-Bruen Gun Control Law Another Defeat

New York’s clearly unconstitutional post-Bruen gun control temper tantrum took another hit yesterday. US District Court Judge Glenn Suddaby issued an injunction blocking major portions of the law including the subjective “good moral character” requirement,…

‘Retired’ Santa Clara Sheriff Laurie Smith Found Guilty of Concealed Carry Corruption

Before the US Supreme Court’s Bruen decision was handed down, we all noticed how it seemed like celebrities and the well-connected had no problems getting a carry license.  The little people like you and me?…