Concealed Carry

Kalven: Robust Transparency is the Antidote to Police Departments’ Attempts to Create Self-Serving Narratives Following Shootings

  As was widely expected, [the Civilian Office of Police Accountability] found “Halley’s use of deadly force was consistent with Chicago Police Department policy.” Although Augustus’s movements were ambiguous and could plausibly be interpreted in…

Fennely: I Wont Be Forced To Be a Part of an Armed Teacher Militia

At first, the likelihood of a teacher-militia seemed far-fetched, but educators are so exhausted and bereft that we’re starting to consider almost anything. I’m probably not the only teacher, after viewing images of Uvalde, to…

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Cops Can’t or Won’t Use Guns Effectively So Let’s Keep Teachers Disarmed, Too

License-to-carry permits in Pennsylvania reveal absolutely nothing about the ability of any of their 1.5 million holders to handle firearms. Incredibly, Pennsylvania requires no training for a concealed carry permit. Nor do classroom, range or…

NY Governor Kathy Hochul Could Learn Something Important From the Indiana Mall Shooting. But She Won’t.

The recent heroics of an Indiana man to neutralize a murderer in a mall shows the folly of New York’s new law restricting where law-abiding citizens can legally carry a firearm with a state-issued permit….

No, 9mm Is Not A ‘One Size Fits All’ Defensive Caliber

There’s a tendency among gun owners to follow whatever law enforcement does when it comes to selecting a firearm for defense. When the police carried revolvers, many civilians had a revolver (yes, that’s mostly what…