Concealed Carry

OMG! Philly Residents Concealed Carry Permit Applications Increased 600%! OMG!

It didn’t surprise me a bit to learn that license-to-carry applications in Philadelphia have risen over the past year. First, you have the constant reports of shootings, carjackings and other violent crimes in the city….

THE NATION: There’s No Second Amendment on the South Side of Chicago

I have been close to gun violence my entire life. Growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I’ve seen my classmates carry firearms to keep themselves and their families safe from harm. And I…

No Matter What Part Of Florida You’re In, There Is Good Training!

Back in a different life, when I wore the badge, I attended a number of training courses put on by different agencies and schools. All of them were directed towards a law enforcement-centric mindset. Basically,…

Road Rager Blocks Other Driver, Reaches Inside The Car, And Is Shot Dead [VIDEO]

Someone with anger management problems who reaches inside someone’s car after blocking them on the road is liable to get their ticket punched. That’s exactly happened to a plumber named Scott Mattison last week in…

Indiana Lawmakers Put Constitutional Carry on Governor’s Desk; Approval Expected… Or Else

Yesterday, Indiana passed a Constitutional Carry bill that would allow anyone 18-years-old or older eligible to own a gun the right to carry one in public without any government licenses.  It passed overwhelmingly, putting Gov….

Woman Collects a $100,000 Settlement After a Minneapolis Cop Pulled His Gun When He Saw Her Carry Permit

Imagine a police officer pulls you over on a traffic stop, and you have your carry license in your wallet. It happens maybe a million times a year all across America. But this time, while…

DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT’S TOO LATE: Buy Guns, Prepare & Get Trained To Defend Yourself and Your Family

Some folks think bad things will never happen in their city or neighborhood. When they see news of violent crime, for the most part, they perceive that it always happens to someone else. It’s is…

Social Justice: Would-Be Louisville Assassin Bailed Out By Black Lives Matter

Louisville residents were rocked earlier this week by the attempted assassination of a Democrat mayoral candidate. The alleged would-be assassin, Quintez Brown, is an avid gun control advocate and Black Lives Matter activist. He was…