
Texas Proposes Anti Red Flag Act To Safeguard Second Amendment Rights

In response to recent attacks from Democrat lawmakers and governors retaliating against the 2024 election results by threatening the Second Amendment rights of their constituents, new legislation has been filed in the great state of…

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ATF Agents Attempt ‘Solvent Trap’ Confiscation, Man Tells Them To Get a Warrant [VIDEO]

The boys from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and really big fires have grown increasingly busy in recent weeks. If they’re not running down legitimate gun owners while fishing for straw purchasers, then…

Fact-Checking CNN’s ‘Fact-Check’ On Joe Biden’s Gun Confiscation Plan

CNN does its best to put lipstick on the pig that is Joe Biden’s gun confiscation policy. (Image by Carl “Bear” Bussjaeger) Following Joe Biden’s finger-pointing tirade in which he called a Detroit construction worker…