Current Events

It’s Time: Make Yourself Heard RE ATF’s Latest Attack on Pistol Braces

  ATF’s draft of its planned “Objective Factors for Classifying Weapons with Stabilizing Braces” document (discussed in detail HERE) has now been published and the brief public comment period is officially open. NOW is the time…

ATTN First-Time Gun Buyers: That Was The Easy Part

Between the ongoing civil disorder in various cities, the release of thousands of convicted criminals to “protect” them from COVID-19, and the ongoing defund-the-police movement, millions of people have suddenly discovered a need for defensive…

72% of Americans Expect Political Violence: Take Steps to Protect Yourself From Riots and Violent Protests Now

(AP Photo/John Rudoff) Political violence isn’t supposed to happen in America. U.S. history is characterized by peaceful changes of power no matter the election results. However, in the age of President Donald Trump, things have…

Pennsylvania Superior Court Rules the PLCAA is Unconstitutional

Courtesy Springfield Armory The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was designed to keep predatory trial attorneys and anti-gun billionaires like Michael Bloomberg from bankrupting America’s firearms industry through constant and repeated vexatious litigation….

A New York Hospital System is Building a Gun Owner Registry One Patient At a Time

Sample Patient Intake Form Northwell Health, New York State’s largest healthcare provider, is beginning a pilot program ostensibly intended to determine their patients’ “risk for firearm injury.” Starting later this month, Northwell staff at two…