david kopel

Firearms Research Center Receives Major Donation to Advance Second Amendment Research

As gun owners, we are used to reading stoies about this rich leftist donor or that wealthy celebrity making donations to groups that purport to perform non-partiisan gun research only to mill out anti-gun rhetoric…

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CCRKBA Submits Amicus Brief in California Gun Show Ban Case

As California legislators, led by Gov. Gavin Newsom, continue to try to dance around the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling and insist on stifling Second Amendment freedoms in the Golden State, lawsuits continue to fly. Most…

NRA Finds Constitutional Friends Amid Legal Woes

If you read everything in the news of late and even talk to some gun rights supporters, you know NRA has been having a host of fits on a number of legal and organizational fronts…

Kopel: The Second Amendment Meant No Person in the U.S. Could Be a Slave

By Waud, Alfred R. (Alfred Rudolph), 1828-1891, artist. – http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/cph.3c05555Harper’s weekly, 1868 July 25, p. 473., Public Domain, Link Just a few weeks after the Confederate States surrendered at Appomattox, Frederick Douglass declared: Now, while…