
How Tax Dollars Exchange Hands For Political Favor

I’m calling this one out right from the starting gate. A $4 million federal grant has just been awarded to Pennsylvania through the U.S. Department of Justice Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI), claiming…

Everytown For Gun Safety Needs a Safe Space as Constitutional Carry Reduces Permit Applications

In 2024, South Carolina became the 29th state to implement Constitutional Carry, permitting citizens legally allowed to possess firearms to carry a concealed handgun without paying a fee or obtaining a license and without fear…

Feds Charge ‘Violence in Boston’ Gun Control Group’s Founders With Fraud

Do gun control groups misdirect donor monies for the personal enrichment of their leaders?  Impossible you say?  The feds say otherwise in at least one group’s case.  The US Attorney’s Office for Massachusetts charged the…

Everytown-Endorsed Washington State Dems Introduce Legislation To Reduce Penalties for Drive-By Murders

Clearly, we’re still in 2021 because you simply can’t make this stuff up. A pair of Washington State legislators, both endorsed by Everytown and Moms Demand Action, have introduced a bill to reduce the criminal…

How Shannon Watts and Her Everytown Cohorts Are Gearing Up for the Midterm Elections

Everytown for Gun Safety – along with their subsidiaries, Mom Demand Action and Students Demand Action – are gearing up for the 2022 midterm elections. The Michael Bloomberg-financed gun control organization is bankrolling $3 million…

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NRA Board Member Publicized Working To Promote Everytown’s ‘Gun Safety’ Program

The NRA has a lot of problems on its hands these days. There are the investigations of its leadership, including Wayne LaPierre, the bankruptcy filing, and personnel purges and pay cuts for remaining staff.  Now…