FBI background checks

As Gun Control Loses Popularity, Gun Controllers Turn the Volume Up to Eleven

By Lee Williams These are the most perilous times many Second Amendment watchdogs have ever seen. Our right to keep and bear arms is under constant assault by a troika of would-be infringers: the Biden-Harris…

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The FBI’s NICS System Can’t Keep Up With the Demand for Background Checks

In recent years, the FBI — which manages the system that vets gun buyers — processed an average of 8.6 million gun background checks annually, according to historical data analyzed by FiveThirtyEight. But last year,…

Gun Control Orgs Panic As FBI Data Shows Historic Surge in Civilian Gun Ownership

Courtesy NSSF The FBI’s March NICS background data for march was released yesterday and it was every bit as horrific as the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex feared it would be. The adjusted background check data…