fbi nics background checks

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Has Created a De Facto Federal 10-Day Waiting Period for Gun Sales to Adults Under 21

Remember the wonderfully-named Bipartisan Safer Communities Act? That’s the federal gun control bill that Joe Biden and the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex crowed endlessly about passing last year. It was portrayed as a huge victory…

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The FBI’s NICS System Can’t Keep Up With the Demand for Background Checks

In recent years, the FBI — which manages the system that vets gun buyers — processed an average of 8.6 million gun background checks annually, according to historical data analyzed by FiveThirtyEight. But last year,…

Gun Grabbers Grasping for Arguments As Americans’ Demand for Firearms Accelerates Post-Election

Courtesy Texas Gun Sense America’s civilian disarmament community was already severely stressed as a pandemic and social justice rioting resulted in monthly record gun and ammunition sales. Now, in a post-election environment with a Biden…