First Amendment

New Jersey Attorney Sues Over Gun Permit Denial Due To Pro-Palestinian Politics

A New Jersey attorney is suing Springfield Township, its police department and a host of others in federal district court, alleging his Second Amendment rights were violated when he was denied a concealed carry permit…

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Time to Put Constitutional Rights Taxes to the Test

Colorado has joined California in taxing Americans’ Second Amendment rights with its new voter-approved gun initiative. While proposals for similar taxes have ignorantly claimed they mean to reduce gun violence, this new Centennial State measure…

Shannon Watts Moves From Attacking Gun Rights to Restricting Free Speech

Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, announced in January that she would retire from her anti-gun group sometime this year. Don’t expect a quiet exit as she’s now talking about restricting free speech. Watts, whose…

The Lesson of Cuba: A Disarmed Populace Fights for its Freedom

As I type this, 228 miles south of me. People are fighting for their freedom in the streets of Cuba. The Communist government has been in power there for 62 years and it appears the…