Gear Review

Gear Review: Zero Tolerance 0006 Fixed Blade Knife

If you aren’t familiar with Oregon-based Zero Tolerance knives, I’d wager you’ve probably heard of Kershaw. The two are sister companies, both part of the Kai group. Given that the pair are headquartered just a…

Gear Review: Mission First Tactical’s New Achro EDC Backpack Series

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” – Sun Tzu, “The Art of War” Just a few days ago, Mission First Tactical launched a new…

Things That Don’t Suck: M*CARBO Ruger LCP Max Trigger and Spring Kit

With the myriad of pocket pistols available today it can be hard to pick one that’s just right. I held off on a .380 to replace my old KelTec P32 for years since most of…