Gun Control

Latest FBI Data Clearly Shows Biden’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban is Not About Reducing Crime

JWT for TTAG By Elizabeth McGugian As election day draws closer, Americans should be well aware of the differences between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden when it comes to their Second Amendment…

Study: Violating Rights of Young Adults Doesn’t Stop Murders [VIDEO]

(Bigstock) This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. Study: Age Bans Don’t Stop Homicides A new study from…

Why We Need the Supreme Court Back in the Second Amendment Business

Courtesy Matt Laur By Miguel A. Faria, MD Some readers were surprised to learn from my previous article on this subject that the Supreme Court of the United States has not made it clear that…

Another Trump SCOTUS Nominee Could Make the Difference for the Second Amendment

Courtesy Jeff Hulbert Hope springs eternal. If President Trump and Senate Republicans succeed in pushing through a replacement with the election looming, they will tilt the Supreme Court further to the right for years to…

Attacks on the Constitution: The Second Amendment and Beyond

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. Catholic leaders and university presidents objected to Feinstein’s line of questioning in 2017 for one of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees, arguing the focus on her faith is misplaced and runs…

Illinois Rep. Sean Casten: We Need an Australia-Style Mandatory ‘Buyback’ Because America Has Too Many Guns

Rep. Sean Casten, D-Ill. (House Television via AP) Illinois Representative Sean Casten feels deeply that “we have too many guns.” His innovative solution to this pressing problem: a buyback. But not just any ol’ buyback….