Gun Control

NY Senate Votes to Ban ‘Ghost Gun’ Possession, Gun Assembly

A 1700s engraving showing a room of people being scared by a faux ghost. (Photo: Library of Congress) Lawmakers in the Empire State last week approved what they call the toughest ban on so-called “Ghost…

America is Diversifying its Growing Pool of Gun Owners (But Canada Isn’t) [VIDEO]

(Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP) This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For another look at the…

Bloomberg, Ballmer Pouring Millions Into Online Advertising to Push 2020 Anti-Gun Democrats

John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, (Photo by: Demis Maryannakis/STAR MAX/IPx via AP) [Everytown for Gun Safety]’s focus on digital advertising comes during what its top political aides said was the fastest change…

Bloomberg Group Aims to Take $15 Million Gun Control Sweep to 8 States

After a multi-million dollar campaign delivered one-party control to Virginia, which within months saw five controversial gun control laws enacted, Everytown is looking to repeat the model in at least eight states. (Photo: A…

Illinois Sued as Wait for Mandatory Gun Owner Cards Stretches Months

Applicants who meet the qualifications for a FOID card in Illinois are supposed to receive it in 30 days. A federal lawsuit contends that just isn’t happening. (Photo: Chris Eger/ Officials in the Land of…

WaPo Publishes Piece Criticizing Biden’s Gun Control Plan as Punishing Working Class People

Courtesy NBC News and Twitter The Washington Post criticizing gun control? The year 2020 really does feel like some kind of alternate universe. But yes, the Post published a piece that lambasted Creepy Uncle Joe’s…