Gun Control

Los Angeles Releases Inmates as Sheriff Warns Against Buying Guns

The LA County Sheriff is dropping the number of inmates in his care by a variety of means and doesn’t think the public should be buying guns. (Photo: Chris Eger/ The Los Angeles County Sheriff…

State Level Gun Rights Groups Using Anti-Gunners’ Local Strategy Against Gun Control

Greg Pruett, president of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance (AP Photo/Lisa Marie Pane) Adopting the anti-gunners’ own playbook, these groups are focusing on tearing down laws limiting Second Amendment rights at the state level. There’s…

Gun Tweet of the Day: Jerry Wayne Responds to Joe ‘AR-14’ Biden [VIDEO]

Courtesy NBC News and Twitter Jerry Wayne was the construction worker who an unhinged Joe Biden said was “full of shit.” Grandpa Simpson also called the hard hat a “horse’s ass” when Wayne accused him…