gun-free zone

Gun-Free Zones Kill: Data Shows Armed Citizens Stop Mass Killers Most of the Time

By Rob Morse We live in a media-driven culture. We also have government agencies putting out biased reports that serve their political masters. And it’s rare that the media even question those agencies’ reports. That…

Permitless Carriers Can be Arrested for Driving Past a School While Carrying a Firearm

By Lee Williams Now that 25 states have passed constitutional carry laws, there are millions of law-abiding Americans who have chosen to exercise their Second Amendment rights by carrying a defensive firearm either openly or…

GOA Deals New York’s ‘Concealed Carry Improvement Act’ Post-Bruen Gun Control Law Another Defeat

New York’s clearly unconstitutional post-Bruen gun control temper tantrum took another hit yesterday. US District Court Judge Glenn Suddaby issued an injunction blocking major portions of the law including the subjective “good moral character” requirement,…