Gun Nation

Ammogeddon II: How Much Ammunition is Enough Now?

Do you have enough ammo? (Photo credit: Kat Ainsworth) We’ve all seen the headlines and “breaking news” reports expressing delighted horror over the “stockpile” found in a suspect’s home. Maybe it’s three rifles and 250…

Gun Retailers Changing How They Do Business During the Coronavirus Gun Buying Surge

Stephanie Miller, of Atlanta, purchases a shotgun and handgun and several boxes of ammunition at Adventure Outdoors Monday, March 16, 2020, in Smyrna, Ga. Miller said she had been on the fence about guns but…

Coronavirus Gun Sales Surge Demonstrates That Americans Want Firearms

Stephanie Miller, of Atlanta, places shotgun in her shopping cart as she checks out Adventure Outdoors Monday, March 16, 2020, in Smyrna, Ga. Miller said she had been on the fence about guns but with…

A Lot More Americans are Discovering What’s Really Required to Buy a Gun

Empty shelves after the gun rush at Spartan Arms in Las Vegas (courtesy Spartan Arms We’ve been in contact with a number of retailers around the country today and over the weekend and they report…

State Level Gun Rights Groups Using Anti-Gunners’ Local Strategy Against Gun Control

Greg Pruett, president of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance (AP Photo/Lisa Marie Pane) Adopting the anti-gunners’ own playbook, these groups are focusing on tearing down laws limiting Second Amendment rights at the state level. There’s…