Gun Owners of America

CRPA, SAF, GOA and Others Jointly File Federal Lawsuit Challenging California’s Carry Restriction Law

By Chuck Michel Multiple gun owner’s rights advocacy groups and individuals have joined together and filed a Second Amendment challenge to Senate Bill (SB2) in the United States District Court. The lawsuit is known as…

Three Injunctions Now Block ATF’s Pistol Brace Ban, Protecting Members of Three Gun Rights Orgs

Last night, Fifth District Court Judge Drew Tipton issued an injunction blocking the ATF’s enforcement of its pistol brace rule that goes into effect today. As with an earlier Fifth Circuit ruling in Mock v….

Gun Owners of America and State of Texas Sue to Block ATF’s ‘Fundamentally Unconstitutional’ Pistol Brace Ban

From Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton . . . Attorney General Paxton, along with a coalition of other plaintiffs, is suing the Biden Administration over a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) rule…

Illinois Gun Rights Alliance Files Latest Challenge to New Gun Control Law as an Overmatched AG Struggles to Keep Up

This morning, the Illinois Gun Rights Alliance, a coalition of gun rights organizations, licensed gun dealers, gun clubs, and some of the best legal minds in Illinois have filed their answer to Governor JB Pritzker’s…

BREAKING: Court Blocks Oregon’s Ballot Measure 114

Well, that didn’t take long.  Moments ago, a judge in Oregon blocked enforcement of Oregon’s Ballot Measure 114.  Judge Richard Raschio placed a temporary restraining order on the law which would have taken effect Thursday,…

The New York Times is Very Concerned About Americans Who Exercise the First Amendment and the Second at the Same Time

Republican politicians are generally more tolerant of openly armed supporters than are Democrats, who are more likely to be on the opposing side of people with guns, the records suggest. In July, for example, men wearing…

GOA Deals New York’s ‘Concealed Carry Improvement Act’ Post-Bruen Gun Control Law Another Defeat

New York’s clearly unconstitutional post-Bruen gun control temper tantrum took another hit yesterday. US District Court Judge Glenn Suddaby issued an injunction blocking major portions of the law including the subjective “good moral character” requirement,…