New Guns

Things That Don’t Suck – Hawaiin House Shotgun Loader V2

What’s a Hawaiin House? Who is Hawaiin House? I can’t rightly say. It’s a website that sells a few different tactical products, some patches, hats, shirts, etc. I ran across a short video on Reddit…

Panama City Beach Cops Seize Enough Guns ‘To Arm a Small Army’ According to PD Chief

Panama City Beach, Florida is a wonderful, mostly family-friendly vacation destination. Of course, everybody likes a good party. During spring break, it’s also the destination for a lot of college students to party and have…

PRIORITIES: Canada’s Trudeau Will Spend Twice As Much Money Disarming the Law-Abiding As Fighting Violent Gangs

Oh, Canada. So starts the Canadian national anthem. It also sums up exasperation at some of the crazy policies of our neighbors to the north. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to spend twice as…