
Happy Ending: Rena Got Her Gun Back After Springfield, IL Police Confiscated It

Last month, we wrote about how the Springfield, IL Police Department confiscated a capital city woman’s gun after she called police for a prowler. Her Firearms Owner ID card had expired a couple of months…

Illinois Gun Owners Survived Day One of New Gun Ban that Outlaws Carrying Popular Defensive Firearms in Public

On Monday morning, Illinois began the penalty enforcement phase of the new ban on possession of popular guns and magazines on public property. For both residents and visitors staying more than 24-hours in the state,…

Gun Review: Ruger Super Wrangler Single Action .22 Revolver

We don’t know how many Wrangler revolvers Ruger’s made and sold in they announced it back in 2019, but it’s probably enough to fill the holsters of everyone who’s ever acted in a cowboy movie….