illegal immigrants

Democrats Sue Nassau County Executive For Establishing An Illegal Militia

In perhaps one of the most egregiously ironic demonstrations of recent leftist sabre rattling, Democratic legislators Debra Mule (yes, there is a joke in there I’m holding back on), Scott Davis, and the Free and…

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New Jersey Police May Be Required To Alert Feds When Illegal Immigrants Apply For Gun Permits

New Jersey lawmakers have proposed a bill that would require local law enforcement agencies and state police to notify federal immigration authorities any time an illegal immigrant applies for a firearms purchaser identification card (FPIC)…

Justice Department to Challenge Ruling on Rights of Illegals to Possess Firearms

Politics, and now court rulings, it seems certainly make for strange bedfellows. In a move most conservatives and pro-gun organizations likely agree with, Biden’s Justice Department will challenge a recent court decision affirming the Second…