Jens Hammer

Atibal P1 Solar Optic Review

Atibal Optics has been around for more than a decade.  They’ve always been near the front of the pack in the extremely crowded optics market regarding new features and forms.  Standing out isn’t easy when…

Warbird Intrepid BT – Upgraded Ear Protection for Pros

In the modern land of electronic ear protection there’s really three camps: the entry-level protection for casual shooters, the mid-level items for heavier volume shooters and the premium-priced, top-of-the line gear for professionals and those…

V Seven Weapon Systems-Sovereign. The Ultimate AR?

If you’ve spent any amount of time online, you’ve heard people argue about “Tier 1” rifles.  The category is totally subjective of course, but some manufacturers have a stronger claim to the ranking than others….

Gear Review: Riton 5 Tactix 1-6×24 Thunder Ranch Rifle Scope

Despite being a red dot/fixed prism scope kind of guy, I’ve found myself drifting towards low powered variable optics (LPVO’s) in recent years. I could blame my aging eyes, but really it’s a begrudging admission…