Law and the Courts

5th Circuit: The Statutory Definition of ‘Machinegun’ Does Not Apply to Bump Stocks

Since the National Firearms Act of 1934, federal law has heavily regulated machineguns. Indeed, as proposed, that law was known to many as “the Anti-Machine Gun Bill.” The possession or transfer of a machinegun was…

5th Circuit Court of Appeals Strikes Down Trump Bump Stock Ban

By Kevin McGill, AP A Trump administration ban on bump stocks — devices that enable a shooter to rapidly fire multiple rounds from semi-automatic weapons after an initial trigger pull — was struck down Friday…

New Year, Old Story: Anti-Gun Blue States Renew Attacks on Firearm Makers, Gun-Owning Americans

  In anti-gun states, 2023 means new laws are taking effect, including more restrictions on Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights and baseless attacks on the firearm industry that supports that most critical constitutional right…

Chicago Man Sold Guns With Along With Salami Sandwiches From His Chicago Food Truck

The wheels of justice grind slowly in Illinois, but a Willowbrook man has finally pleaded guilty to gun and drug charges in federal court. Biden’s US Attorneys negotiated the charges down on counts of illegally…

New York Supreme Court Rules State’s Red Flag Law Unconstitutional In As-Applied Case

Red flag laws enable courts to strip Americans of their gun rights without due process because someone thinks they might be a danger to themselves or others. In an as-applied case in New York state,…

Shotguns: The Affordable, Versatile, Highly Effective Home Defense Tool

  In a world were all the cool kids gravitate towards ARs for self-defense in the home, the old-fashioned shotgun still provides outstanding performance against uninvited guests in your your casa. Shotguns have been around…

SAF, FPC File a Lawsuit Challenging New York’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . A federal lawsuit supported by the Second Amendment Foundation and Firearms Policy Coalition has been filed in New York, challenging that state’s ban on so-called “assault weapons.”…

Two Steps Forward, One Back: 5th Circuit District Court Upholds Ban on Gun Sales to Adults Under 21

By LKB While the news lately has been very positive for post-Bruen Second Amendment challenges, it’s not all downhill. Illustrative of that is yesterday’s decision in Reese v ATF (PDF), a test case challenging the…

NSSF: Buffalo’s ‘Junk’ Lawsuit Seeks to Shift Blame for a Failure to Enforce the Law Against Criminals

Yesterday, the city of Buffalo, New York filed a lawsuit against a raft of firearms manufacturers claiming they present a threat to public health in the city. From MSN . . . The suit filed…