Law and the Courts

Gun Rights Win: Texas Abandons Appeal of Ruling Allowing Gun Sales to Adults Under 21

The Bruen decision was like a lightening bolt to the heart of the gun control industry in this country. They knew when they read its language and realized its scope, that it meant much of…

Judge Benitez’s Order Blocking California’s ‘Lopsided, Unorthodox’ Fee-Shifting Law Pulls No Punches

“It is cynical.” “It is an abomination.” “It is outrageous and objectionable.” “There is no dispute that it raises serious constitutional questions.” “It is an unprecedented attempt to thwart judicial review.” Such are the Intervenor-Defendant…

LGBT Groups: Oregon Measure 114 Drinks Deeply From the Tainted Well of Discrimination

From Operation Blazing Sword-Pink Pistols . . . It is the position of Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols that the recently-passed Oregon Ballot Measure 114 imposes a burdensome “permit to purchase” scheme upon all…

Judge Benitez’s Latest Order in Miller v. Bonta Sets the Stage for Taking Down California’s Assault Weapons Ban

  By LKB Federal Judge Roger Benitez (a/k/a “Saint Benitez” to the 2A faithful) has just entered an interesting order in Miller v. Bonta, the challenge to California’s “assault weapons” ban. It’s not a decision on…

California AG Can’t Defend the Indefensible, Won’t Argue the Constitutionality of Gun Control ‘Fee Shifting’ Law

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The California Attorney General’s office has stepped away from defending the constitutionality of the state’s new “fee shifting” law related to legal challenges of gun laws, and…

BREAKING: Court Blocks Oregon’s Ballot Measure 114

Well, that didn’t take long.  Moments ago, a judge in Oregon blocked enforcement of Oregon’s Ballot Measure 114.  Judge Richard Raschio placed a temporary restraining order on the law which would have taken effect Thursday,…

Oregon Attorney General Concedes Measure 114 Permit to Purchase Gun Control Provision Isn’t Ready for Prime Time

BREAKING: OFF v. Brown (D. OR): Oregon agrees to the postponement of its gun permit requirement, saying that “it has become clear that the police chiefs and sheriffs (who serve as the sole permitting agents…

Rethinking Criminal Justice: Lawyer Found Dead After Trying to Shoot Ex in Austin Bar, Getting Out of Jail After Paying Only $4,000

  George Soros continues to get his money’s worth out of the “progressive” prosecuters he’s funded. In Austin, security video shows a man, angry over a breakup, show up at the bar where a woman…

Daniel Defense Fires Back at Everytown-Supported Lawsuit Blaming the Gunmaker for the Uvalde Shooting

Last week, the mother of one of the children murdered in the Uvalde school shooting filed a lawsuit against the city, the school district and, Daniel Defense, the maker of the rifle the killer bought…