Law and the Courts

FPC States Its Case in Challenge to Massachusetts’ Approved Handgun Roster

To be sure, Massachusetts’s prohibition on the commercial sale of common handguns qualifies as a ban. Massachusettsans—including Plaintiffs—are left only with the hopes of finding such arms through a secondhand market, where they lack knowledge…

Alec Balwin Sues Movie Crewmembers to Deflect Blame for Cinematographer’s Shooting Death

From the AP . . . Saying he wants to clear his name, Alec Baldwin on Friday sued people involved in handling and supplying the loaded gun that he was using when it fired, killing…

Alec Baldwin Sues His Own Crew Members, Blames Them for Fatal Shot That Killed Cinematographer

  “[Hannah] Gutierrez-Reed failed to check the bullets or the gun carefully, [Dave] Halls failed to check the gun carefully and yet announced the gun was safe before handing it to Baldwin, and [Sarah] Zachry…

Michigan Supreme Court Sends U of M Gun Ban Back to Lower Court for Reconsideration Under Bruen

Nonetheless, it seems apparent that large, modern university campuses differ from their historical antecedents. Many are involved in urban planning with mixed-use projects that include shops and nonstudent residences. The University of Michigan itself occupies…

GOA Deals New York’s ‘Concealed Carry Improvement Act’ Post-Bruen Gun Control Law Another Defeat

New York’s clearly unconstitutional post-Bruen gun control temper tantrum took another hit yesterday. US District Court Judge Glenn Suddaby issued an injunction blocking major portions of the law including the subjective “good moral character” requirement,…

‘Retired’ Santa Clara Sheriff Laurie Smith Found Guilty of Concealed Carry Corruption

Before the US Supreme Court’s Bruen decision was handed down, we all noticed how it seemed like celebrities and the well-connected had no problems getting a carry license.  The little people like you and me?…

A SAF Win in New York: Judge Issues Injunction Blocking Enforcement of State’s Ban on Guns in Houses of Worship

Last month, a US District Court judge issued a temporary restraining order blocking enforcement of New York’s newly-enacted ban on carrying firearms in houses of worship. As Judge John Sinatra, Jr. wrote at the time…

Know What To Say — And What Not To Say — When Responding Officers After Use Of Force

While more and more good guys continue to carry in both shall-issue states as well as constitutional carry states, most folks still don’t know the best thing to say while responding officers in the aftermath…