Law and the Courts

Biden’s DOJ Relies on Racist and Anti-Catholic Bigotry to Defend The ATF’s Gun Rights Ban for Marijuana Users

Back in April TTAG told readers about a lawsuit filed by Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner and then-candidate for Governor Nikki Fried. Here office issues concealed carry permits in the Sunshine State and the lawsuit challenges a…

After Colorado Wins, NAGR Files Federal Suits in 4 More Circuits to Shut Down ‘Assault Weapon’, Standard Capacity Magazine Bans

After racking up wins last month in the Tenth Circuit challenging Colorado “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazine bans in four jurisdictions, the National Association for Gun Rights is taking its Bruen-powered show on the…

Guns Save Life Invites Illinois Cities With Gun, Magazine Bans To Voluntarily End Enforcement… Or Else We ‘Let The Real Fun Begin’

My day job in the Land of Lincoln involves serving as Guns Save Life’s Executive Director.  GSL has a reputation for aggressive advocacy of gun rights and defending your right to defend yourself. Following the…

SAF, Defense Distributed Sue California to Block Homemade Firearm Ban

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The Second Amendment Foundation is seeking a federal court injunction against enforcement of a California law restricting people from manufacturing their own firearms, which is an American…

California’s Post-Bruen Concealed Carry Restrictions Bill Has Failed by One Vote

A measure that would have enacted more than three dozen new restrictions [on concealed carry in California] failed by one vote as lawmakers adjourned. Democratic Sen. Anthony Portantino, who pushed for the bill along with…

BRUEN AGAIN: Boulder County ‘Assault Weapon’, Magazine Bans Blocked By Biden-Appointed Federal Judge

  Bad news for Brandon, this time from Boulder, Colorado. One of Biden’s own appointed federal judges issued a temporary restraining order yesterday blocking enforcement of Boulder County’s semi-auto rifle and “high capacity” magazine ban….

THIS WILL WORK…WE PROMISE: New York City Posts ‘Gun-Free Zone’ Signs Around Times Square

The city and state of New York continue to thumb their noses at the US Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, expanding the number of prohibited “sensitive” locations and generally ignoring the rule of law. On Tuesday,…

Illinois State Police Making House Calls, Seizing Guns To Bring Revoked FOID Holders Into ‘Compliance’

  Though most people don’t know it, the Illinois State Police (ISP) now make house calls.  However, they aren’t coming to welcome new neighbors or bring good cheer. Instead, they’re coming to confiscate the firearms…