Law and the Courts

FPC Wins Lawsuit Against California Department of Justice Over its Illegal Gun Sales Delays

From the Firearms Policy Coalition Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced a victory in its Campos v. Bonta lawsuit, which challenged policies and practices of California Attorney General Rob Bonta and his Department of Justice (DOJ) Bureau of…

Freedom: What the Bruen Ruling Portends For Illinois and Similar Anti-Gun States

Gun owners nationwide won big wen the Supreme Court handed down the Bruen decision declaring New York’s may-issue concealed carry permitting system unconstitutional. The court, in a 6-3 decision, ruled that the Second Amendment effectively…

Kates and Levinson: A Post-Bruen Look at the Roots of Modern Second Amendment Scholarship

By LKB Like many of you, I am still processing the depth of the legal earthquakes from the Supreme Court late last month. With the 6 to 3 opinion in Bruen now the law of…

NFGR Sues Colorado Challenging the 2013 ‘High Capacity’ Magazine Ban’s Constitutionality

From the National Foundation for Gun Rights . . . Today, the National Foundation for Gun Rights, along with citizens Benjamin Gates and Travis Swartz, filed a lawsuit against Governor Jared Polis and the State…