Law and the Courts

Center to Keep and Bear Arms Sues Washington Over ‘High Capacity’ Magazine Ban

Fromt the Mountain States Legal Foundation . . . The American People have a natural, constitutionally protected right to choose the self-defense tools they need to protect their lives and loved ones. To uphold that right,…

FPC Pittsburgh Win – City’s ‘Assault Weapons’ and ‘High Cap’ Magazine Bans Violate Pennsylvania’s Preemption Law

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and FPC Action Foundation (FPCAF) today announced an appellate victory in FOAC v. Pittsburgh, Penn., a lawsuit filed in 2019 in response to a gun control scheme…

Another New York City Subway Shooting Will Mean More New Yorkers Who Want Their Gun Rights Back

Earlier this year, Jeremy and I sat down with a professor from a university in the UK who who was writing a book on “how the idea of freedom is understood and practiced in different…

JSD Supply Moves to Stop ATF Cease and Desist Orders From Putting Gun Parts Companies Out of Business

If you want a good look at how the ATF is now operating under the Biden-Harris administration, there’s no better example than how the federal firearms regulatory agency is conducting business now that they’ve officially…

Brady’s Jonathan Lowy is Very Upset About the Gun Control Industry’s Latest Court Loss

  This ruling is outrageous and without precedent. Americans have the right to enact strong laws to protect their families and communities from gun violence, and the Second Amendment was never intended to force us…

CA’s Age-Based Discrimination Banning Semi-Auto Rifle Sales to Adults Under 21 Was Unconstitutional

  America would not exist without the heroism of the young adults who fought and died in our revolutionary army. Today we reaffirm that our Constitution still protects the right that enabled their sacrifice: the…