Law and the Courts

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New Lawsuit Filed Over New Jersey’s May Issue Concealed Carry Permit Denials

The NRA, the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC), the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners (CNJFO), and three individual plaintiffs have filed a federal court case against the Attorney General of…

Firearms Policy Coalition Sues Allegheny County for Closing Firearms Division

Allegheny County Sheriff William Mullen (image: The Firearms Policy Coalition, along with a trio of private citizens, is suing Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, which includes the city of Pittsburgh, for shutting down their firearms division,…

FPC Sues City of Philadelphia Over Shutdown of Gun Permit Unit

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw talks with the media. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Yesterday, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and two individuals filed a new federal Second and Fourteenth…

Campus Carry Goes to the Michigan Supreme Court

Shutterstock This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. Michigan to decide if students may bear arms on public…

Alito: Democrats’ NYSRPA Brief Was ‘An Affront to the Constitution and the Rule of Law’

Justice Samuel Alito (courtesy Federalist Society) Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito addressed the Federalist Society last week and held forth on a number of topics affecting the Court. One of the most interesting subjects he…