Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards

Rally for Louisiana Constitutional Carry Veto Override Tomorrow at the Capitol in Baton Rouge

The Louisiana legislature will convene a veto override session on Tuesday for the first time in history. On the agenda is Governor John Bel Edwards’ veto of a bill that would make Louisiana the 22nd…

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Louisiana Legislature to Hold First-Ever Veto Override Session to Vote on Constitutional Carry

Governor John Bel Edwards effectively dared the Louisiana legislature to override his veto of a constitutional carry bill last month. He probably thought it would hold up, since the state’s legislature had never before come…

Anti-Gun Cops Beg Louisiana Legislature Not to Override Governor’s Veto of Constitutional Carry

It happens in every state. The same kabuki dance plays out — yawn…sorry — whenever the prospect of constitutional carry gets real. Anti-gun politicians gather a group of compliant law enforcement types to predict that…